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1. Detailed Dimensions

Micro-dimensions of drawings prepared for execution at site.

2. Joinery Details

Schedule and Dimensions of Doors, Windows, Ventilators and other Joinery.

3. Staircase Details

Details of Staircase showing Tread, Rise, Width and Balustrade dimensions.

4. Toilet Details

Toilet Layout with Sections and Details of dadoing, drainage pattern and fixtures.

5. Kitchen Details

Drawings of Kitchen Cabinets, Sections, and Determining the Work Triangle between Sink, Oven and Refrigerator.


Vaastu Compliance

All our Designs are Vaastu Compliant with regards to the positioning of various rooms according to the utility, direction of access doors, configuration of the structure in the plot etc. Some points to be noted in Keraleeya Vaastvidya are-

1. Kannimoola - The South-West portion of the house should be devoid of toilets or kitchen. This area should be used as a living space or for the Master Bedroom.

2. The Kitchen should be preferably placed at the North-East portion of the house.

3. The main steps to the exterior should be avoided towards the South direction.

2. Kol Kanakku

Our Vaastu Consultant will correct the design for the Chuttalavu (Perimeter), to make sure that the main Chuttalavu falls within the Balyam, Kaumaram and Yauvanam measurements and not in the Vardhakyam or Maranachuttu. All Room Dimensions will be provided with the Kolkanakku as stipulated by Vaastu.

View Complete Set of Sample Drawing

Mode of Payment

Payment for our services can be made as Online Transfer or Cheque Deposit in favour of-
to the following Bank Current Account from anywhere in the World

State Bank of Travancore
Karukachal Branch, Kerala, India.
Premnath kv
Current Account No. 70417962
P. Box No. 686540,